Auch im Schuljahr 2018/19 wird das Englischteam der Praxis-HAK Völkermarkt durch eine Muttersprachlerin aus Großbritannien, Shanna Deeben, unterstützt. Deeben freut sich darauf, den Schüler/innen die englische Sprache und Kultur aus erster Hand näherzubringen.

Ein kurzer Steckbrief

My name is Shanna and I’m from Wales in the UK. As a native speaker, I will be the English language assistant this year and I am happy to help and answer any questions about English. I am now in my third year of studying German with Psychology at the University of Surrey in England and during this academic year, I will try my best to help others with their English studies as well as improve my German.

In my spare time I like to travel, so I hope to make the most of my stay here by exploring the surrounding cities and countries.

I am hoping to become a teacher after finishing my studies, so this year is a kind of test-run for my future as a teacher. I am looking forward to the rest of this academic year and my time in Austria!