Das Erlernen und Üben einer Fremdsprache in einem nicht-schulischen Umfeld, sondern mit Hilfe von Englisch-Native-Speakern, die zusätzlich ein Sportprogramm in den Unterricht implementierten, um somit bestmögliche Erfolge zu feiern, erlebte die 2AK der Praxis-HAK Völkermarkt in Leibnitz vom 24. bis 28. Juni. Da es eine Englischsportwoche war … the rest of this story has to be told in English.

On the 24th, the 2AK left its home base Völkermarkt, accompanied by prof. Hornbogner and prof. Wehr and headed to Leibnitz, Styria. The accommodation, the Jufa, was located near a magnificent park and an outdoor swimming pool. The two native speakers, Neil and James, tried in the following four days to practice as much English as possible, introducing one single rule: no German allowed!

In the mornings, the two natives intertwined speaking activities with games, resulting in a more interesting way of studying a language. After lunch, the sessions were continued, but the focus was on sports, such as volleyball, dodgeball, swimming and soccer. However, also evening activities were on the daily agenda and the students had to solve quizzes, shoot a movie and played games – and every single activity was in English. Besides the aforementioned activities, the class visited the castle Seggau, situated on a hill, in proximity to the Jufa. The students reached after a 20 minutes hike the castle and a tour guide explained in English interesting facts about this venerable mansion.

Unfortunately, every trip comes to an end, and on Friday the 28th the students had to head back to Völkermarkt.