Zum Start ins neue Schuljahr absolvierten die Schüler/innen der zweiten Klassen einen dreitägigen Workshop mit Native Speakern, um ihre Kompetenzen in der Fremdsprache Englisch zu verbessern. Prof. Georgi Wehr, der mit Prof. Silvia Macek die Klassen betreut hat, berichtet:

Like it or not, English has become the most popular language globally, and this makes it automatically the most dominant language in the business world. According to the Harvard Business Review „more and more multinational companies are mandating English as the common corporate language“ (Harvard Business Review 2012) and international companies, such as Airbus, Samsung and Microsoft use the lingua franca – English – for their internal and external communication.

As the Praxis-HAK has prepared their students for the world of work, English has become a vital constituent of the curriculum. For the last years, first graders have not only enjoyed an additional conversation class, but also the native-speakers project days, which were held in the last week of the school year. Due to the Corona virus pandemic the project had to be postponed and took place from September 16th to 18th.

The now second-graders enjoyed three wonderful days together with native speakers from the US and the UK and had to participate in games, conversations and debates – solely in English. This can be seen as a wonderful basis for the upcoming school year as the Praxis-HAK has intertwined English with other subjects, such as history, math, geography, business studies etc., with the intention to strengthen the English proficiency and preparing the students for both, self and career exploration, in the ever-changing landscape of the global economy.

Some feedback from students:

Janis Barth, 2AK: “It was really great having a non-conventional English lesson”.

Selina Pistotnik, 2AK: “It was a wonderful start into a new school year.”

Christine Micheu, 2AK: “Getting to know various accents was really interesting. Moreover, playing so many games was great fun too”.

Jürgen Koraschnigg, 2AK: “All three native speakers were excellent. The lessons were interesting!”